
Showing posts from August, 2009

Recent Realizations

1. Marriages are made in heaven but lived on earth. 2. Not all dreams come true. 3. Once you have made a choice, you can always extend the life span. 4. Life isn't one big compromise on one side alone. 5. To teach a grown up, it is sufficient to mention once or twice. If it is ignored, it shows that the person is not ready to be taught yet. 6. Compatibility is not taught but learnt, it is an effort. 7. By no means can one make the other person understand something if the other person is not willing to understand first. 8. Stop teaching! Learn yourself!! 9. Differences are not always meant to be sorted out. Many of them can be enjoyed. 10. Not every wrong needs to be corrected. 11. Never lose focus in life in exchange for the high hopes of marriage. 12. Every relation is meant to give you some tips of life.