Tracing the Entrepreneurial journey of my Paternal Grandfather

Sri. S. Ramasamy Iyengar (Founder of Kalaivani Press, Coimbatore) My father has always been proud of his lineage. He was son of Kalaivani Press Ramasamy Iyengar . The prefix 'Kalavani Press' had become his identity. All through my life, I had known only that; plus probably another fact that my grandpa was a President of India Awardee for excellence in Printing . A specific incident happened recently, when I had to introduce my lineage, (one can probably relate it to the practice of saying ‘Abhivadaye’ where a Brahmin Hindu man introduces himself to others especially the elders stating details of his lineage). I realized that all that I could say was ‘I am Kalaivani Press Ramasamy Iyengar’s Granddaughter’, but no one ever knew about ‘Ramasamy Iyengar’. That incident lead me to discover more about a man that I have always known only as ‘thatha’ without a prefix (also because my maternal grandpa was always ‘Cheeni thatha’). Even thatha's face is not all that familiar ...