
Showing posts from 2009

Recent Realizations

1. Marriages are made in heaven but lived on earth. 2. Not all dreams come true. 3. Once you have made a choice, you can always extend the life span. 4. Life isn't one big compromise on one side alone. 5. To teach a grown up, it is sufficient to mention once or twice. If it is ignored, it shows that the person is not ready to be taught yet. 6. Compatibility is not taught but learnt, it is an effort. 7. By no means can one make the other person understand something if the other person is not willing to understand first. 8. Stop teaching! Learn yourself!! 9. Differences are not always meant to be sorted out. Many of them can be enjoyed. 10. Not every wrong needs to be corrected. 11. Never lose focus in life in exchange for the high hopes of marriage. 12. Every relation is meant to give you some tips of life.


Y'day "Ammumma" (Grand mom) called up to remind me that my uncle is completing 60 years of his presence on this earth today. "Sasthi-Abda-Poorthi", She said. I knew the meaning, but not its significance. So I searched for some info, and Look what I found.. Turning sixty is a social-religious event in India especially in south. Shashtiabdapoorthi is a family event, when a 're-marriage 'of the couple, is performed .This unusual custom marked by rituals, reverberating with the 'mantras ' is spiritually and mentally rejuvenating for a couple who are 'graduageing'. Witnessed by the next generaton,it is a social event that reflects continuity. When a person reaches 60, he is in the year of the same name as in which he was born and hence the successful completion of one cycle. So, we give thanks for this longivity and pray for a trouble-free old age. The social, religious and spiritual connotations of this function When a man turns...

Bioscope - A Flash back - 19th March 2007

A news about an up coming wedding came in today. My memories went back to 19th March 2007. The day that my wedding got finalised. Just as in a typical Indian scenario, the match making was "arranged" by parents. My father was clueless about who RJ (my Father in Law) was. All he knew was, the would-be groom's family were pious, simple, smiling and very down-to-earth people. He was satisfied that the groom to be was professionally qualified like his daughter and seemed courteous (& shy) by nature. No questions asked, the decision was taken. I was the one having a sudden bombardment of a thousand questions in my heart. It was really overwhelming. "Me?" "Getting married?" "Sharing space?" "Adjusting?" "Accommodating?" ...on those lines... Another set of questions like "What am I taking up?" "Am I prepared enough to accept the transition from Miss to Mrs.?" "What about the roles I've got to play...

Welcome 2009

At the outset, On the New Calendar Year, I wish you and all your near and dear ones A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year ahead. Let every dawn beginning 01.01.2009 bring all of you mental peace, harmonious surroundings, economic betterment, physical fitness and shower delight and sparkle in your every day life. The year that went by...was really eventful. Few green memories. Many grey memories. A little smile, loads of tears, fireworks..what not. To list a few good things that happened, My trips abroad - Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Durban. Meeting K.J. Yesudas, Mithunda.. Meeting top business men in the world. Meeting my Uncles after a loooong loong time. Travelling extensively within India. My MIL's eventful 60th B'day celebrations. My FIL's very simple 70th B'day celebrations. My SIL's baby shower. MIL's photos in the papers (Various contests) and appearance in the TV. Endless exchange of gifts between me and my co-sis. Field trips with family to Ooty and Parambikulam...