A New Phase

Life is bringing in a new phase. I am getting married. I have read a lot about it. Sensed things. Heard. Yet mind isn't all that set to accept that I am changing.

They say that Change is the only permanent thing in this world. Yet, I resist it so much. I don't know if it is because I am not over loaded with some other priorities that I keep observing the change and resent it so much.

At the same time, the uncertainity that exists in that change also scares the wits out of me. People try to reassure me. But then I am not all that convinced.

Life does revolve around partners being exclusive amongst themselves. I have learnt this the hard way.

Probably that was a turning point in my life that made me decide to approach this new change.

Left alone, I am able to handle things. Accept people and adjust. But when it comes to losing our beloved and learning to prioritise all our thoughts for a total stranger, that isn't something I can digest all that very well.

Worldly wisdom calls me obsessed and advices me to take help. But a mere understanding of the genuine pain that I am going through would make miracles for me - which unfortunately isn't there.

Perhaps it is for time to declare whether my fears were genuine or mere myths. I would be eternally grateful if only they turn out to be myths.

Understanding is something that people say is most important for relationships. But that isn't a day's job.

Well, it's just a beginning.


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