Aditya hridhayam

Verses 1,2 :

Having found Rama weary with fighting and buried in deep thought, and Rávan standing before him ready to engage in battle, the holy Agastya, who had come to see the battle, approached Ráma and spoke to him thus:

Verses 3,4, and 5:

O mighty Rama, listen to the old mystery by which thou wilt conquer all thy foes in the battle. Having daily repeated the Adityahridaya (the delighter of the mind of the Sun) the holy prayer which destroys all enemies (of him who repeats it) gives victory, removes all sins, sorrows and distress, increases life, and which is the blessing of all blessings.

Verses 6 – 15:

Worship the rising and splendid sun who is respected by both the Gods and demons, who gives light to all bodies and who is the rich lord of all the worlds. Since yonder sun is full of glory and all gods reside in him (he being their material cause) and bestows being and the active principle on all creatures by his rays; and since he protects all deities, demons and men with his rays.

He is Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, Skanda, Prajapati, Mahendra, Dhanada, Kala, Yama, Soma, Apam Pati i.e. The lord of waters, Pitris, Vasus, Sadhyas, Asvins, Maruts, Manu, Vayu, Vahni, Praja, Prana, Ritukarta, Prabhakara, Aditya, Savita, Surya, Khaga, Pushan, Gabhastiman, Suvarnasadrisa, Bhanu, Hiranyaretas, Divakara, Haridasva, Sahasrarchish, Saptasapti, Marichiman, Timironmathana, Sambhu, Twashta, Martanda, Ansuman, Hiranyagarbha, Sisira, Tapana, Ahaskara, Ravi, Agnigarbha, Aditiputra, Sankha, Sisiranasana, Vyomanatha, Tamobhedi, Rigyajussamaparaga, Ghana-vrishti.

Apam-Mitra, Vindhyavithiplavangama, Atapi, Mandali, Mrityu (death), Pingala, Sarvatapana, Kavi, Visva, Mahatejas, Rakta, Sarvabhavodbhava. The Lord of stars, planets, and other luminous bodies, Visvabhavana, Tejasvinam-Tejasvi, Dwadasatman.

Verses 16 – 20:

I salute thee, I salute thee who art the eastern mountain. I salute thee who art the western mountain. I salute thee who art the Lord of all the luminous bodies. I salute thee who art the Lord of days. I respectfully salute thee who art Jaya, Jayabhadra, Haryasva, O Thou who hast a thousand rays, I repeatedly salute thee. I repeatedly and respectfully salute thee who art Aditya, I repeatedly salute thee who art Ugra, Vira, and Saranga. I salute thee who openest the lotuses (or the lotus of the heart). I salute thee who art furious. I salute thee who art the Lord of Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. I salute thee who art the sun, Adityavarchas, splendid, Sarvabhaksha, and Raudravapush.

Verses 21 – 24:

I salute thee who destroyest darkness, cold and enemies: whose form is boundless, who art the destroyer of the ungrateful; who art Deva; who art the Lord of the luminous bodies, and who appearest like the heated gold. I salute thee who art Hari, Visvakarman, the destroyer of darkness, and who art splendid and Lokasakshin. Yonder sun destroys the whole of the material world and also creates it. Yonder sun dries (all earthly things), destroys them and causes rain with his rays. He wakes when our senses are asleep; and resides within all beings. Youder sun is Agnihotra and also the fruit obtained by the performer of Agnihotra. He is identified with the gods, sacrifices, and the fruit of the sacrifices. He is the Lord of all the duties known to the world.

Verses 25 – 30:

If any man, O Raghava, in calamities, miseries, forests and dangers, prays to yonder sun, he is never overwhelmed by distress.

Worship, with close attention Him the God of gods and the Lord of the world; and recite these verses thrice, whereby thou wilt be victorious in the battle. O brave one, thou wilt kill Ravana this very instant."

Thereupon Agastya having said this went away as he came. The glorious Rama having heard this became free from sorrow. Raghava whose senses were under control, being pleased, committed the hymn to memory, recited it facing the sun, and obtained great delight. The brave Rama having sipped water thrice and become pure took his bow, and seeing Ravana, was delighted, and meditated on the sun.


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