Jallikattu Issue – Is it something more than what meets the eye?
This Jan 2017, Youngsters of Tamilnadu have
gone on a mass protest against Jallikattu ban. Seeing the level of protest made
me think is there something more than what meets the eye. Believe me, it was an Eye Opener. Here is
what I discovered.
It’s been there for years and even survived the Colonial period!!
Ancient Tamil Sangams described the practice as ‘YERU
THAZHUVUTHAL’, literally "bull embracing". The modern term Jallikattu
is derived from SALLI (coins) and KATTU (package), which refers to a prize of
coins that are tied to the bull's horns and that participants attempt to
retrieve. Jallikattu has been known to be practiced during the Tamil classical
period (400-100 BC). It was common among the ancient people AAYARS who lived in
the ‘MULLAI’ geographical division of the ancient Tamil country. Later, it
became a platform for display of bravery and prize money was introduced for
participation encouragement.
Is Bull Taming (Jallikattu) specific to 2 communities or 6 Districts of Tamil Nadu?
Well, for some point of time it has been envisaged as a
cultural aspect of the Thevars and the Gounder communities of Tamil Nadu. But over a period of time, it has become totally irrelevant.
Here is why: the 'Prominently' known events are conducted in the districts of Madurai, Sivagangai and Pudukkottai . The Kongu belt comprising of Coimbatore, Tiruppur and Erode engage in a sport called Rekla race. But every district seems to have some sport associated with bulls in smaller and less prominently known ways. Sports involving Bulls vary in Tamilnadu. Jallikattu, Manjuvirattu, Velivirattu, Vativirattu, Vatam manjuviratu. Every household 'used' to have cows in their backyard. And they opted for the Best bulls for breeding their cows. There have been the wealthy families who (irrespective of their caste or community or religion) extended support (including financial support) to the event as they also had a fair share in the benefit. So quoting it only as a community issue seems totally irrelevant.
Here is why: the 'Prominently' known events are conducted in the districts of Madurai, Sivagangai and Pudukkottai . The Kongu belt comprising of Coimbatore, Tiruppur and Erode engage in a sport called Rekla race. But every district seems to have some sport associated with bulls in smaller and less prominently known ways. Sports involving Bulls vary in Tamilnadu. Jallikattu, Manjuvirattu, Velivirattu, Vativirattu, Vatam manjuviratu. Every household 'used' to have cows in their backyard. And they opted for the Best bulls for breeding their cows. There have been the wealthy families who (irrespective of their caste or community or religion) extended support (including financial support) to the event as they also had a fair share in the benefit. So quoting it only as a community issue seems totally irrelevant.
Bull Sport has other forms in other parts of India with native
variations of course - Kaalapoottu, Kannupoottu and Maramadi in Kerala, Kambala
in Karnataka, Bailgada in Maharashtra, Pasuvula Panduga in Andhra, Dhiri in Goa.
Similar sports are reported from Assam (during Bihu festival), Himachal Pradesh
(Sair fair), Madya Pradesh (during Govardhan puja), Meghalaya (during autumn
festival), Punjab (Kila Raipur is known for ‘local olympics’), Rajasthan (during
Nagaur and Pushkar fairs), Sikkim (Rang Ghar), Daman & Diu, Gujarat (Fairs
in Baleswar, Mekan dada shrine at Dhang in Kutch, Drang fair at Bhuj, Tarnetar
fair in Surendranagar and Masitiya village of Jamnagar).
That kind of explains why the Supreme Court issued a Blanket
ban on performing with bulls.
The Ecosystem behind the sports for the Bulls
Stud bulls are reared by people for Sports like Jallikattu.
The ones that win are much in demand for servicing the cows. Small farmers
cannot afford to keep stud bulls, so each village has a common temple bull
which services the cows of the village. These shows are areas where bulls are
brought and exhibited. The ones which are most agile (and virile) are preferred
by farmers. The calves from such bulls are in demand.
Once harvest is done, farmers take their bulls to
participate in such events over the next few months; spectators and visitors
make a note of the top bulls and seek them out in cattle markets which happen
from December till April all over Tamil Nadu. Stud bulls need to be alert,
virile, and agile. In the peak of their reproductive period, they need to
secrete the necessary male hormones and experience adrenalin rushes and pumping
hearts. They need this for them to be virile. This is in the interest of the
species as selective breeding is done to propagate the species.
Coming to the question: ‘Do bulls never have adrenaline rush
without a sport?’- Research reveals they do, but the success rate of mating is
very low.
The cattle have been an integral part of farming, especially
for small and marginal farmers as they serve multiple purposes like ploughing,
transportation, source for farmyard manure, organic treatments like PANCHAGAVYA,
JEEVAMRITHAM, and as a source of A2 milk. The native cattle were both an input
as well as insurance to the livestock keepers. The dung from these native
breeds formed good form of manure and the agricultural soil had good
fertility. The Native breeds did not
need any specifically made fodder. They survived on green grass, husk, crop
residues and naturally available fodder. The usage of manure or urea in
agricultural lands or pesticides was very limited as long as the traditional forms
of agriculture were followed.
The Green revolution movement, the promotion of jersey cows
for higher milk yield, the usage of tractors for soil tilling, added to the
woes of the native breeds. These had a short term benefit. These are now seen
as factors contributing to the rapid disappearance of green fields and the
steady decline of native cattle breeds. Not to mention inter-state water
sharing issues, labour shortage, population migration being more prominently
known factors which have only added their fair share of troubles for the
current farmers who don’t have ‘other options’.
Coming back to the issues of the bulls, without the sport,
the entire economy of these livestock keepers has come down and so has the
steady decline of native breeds. Prior to the ban, the cost of the bull was
really as high as Rs. 50000. Now they are sold for Rs. 15000 to the butchers
directly. Globally, non-milking cattle go to the slaughter house. Traditionally farmers only sold male buffaloes
or spent females. But now despite the beef ban policies, several illegal
slaughter houses do continue to function. Male calves and especially old bulls
are either abandoned or sold to slaughterhouses where, along with spent cows. They
are processed for leather, meat or for the rennet in their stomachs that is
used for cheese making.
The same is reported from other states as well. There was a ‘DHARNA’ by Members of Punjab’s
bullock cart foundation in Ludhiana on 28th Jan 2016. They have
raised concerns of how the blanket ban has affected the lives of families
dependent on Cattle.
A heavy promotion of exotic, high-yielding breeds by the
government has led to reliance on high inputs and aftercare, medication and
water, all with detrimental consequences on their livelihoods and the
environment. Traditional pastoralist communities are completely under
threat—their grazing/common lands have disappeared, and they are forced to
‘settle’, fenced out of areas that traditionally belonged to them, many
shifting to other occupations. Grazing areas surrounding forests too have been
blocked by the forest bureaucracy (https://viacampesina.org/en/index.php/publications-mainmenu-30/2210-dairy-and-poultry-in-india-growing-corporate-concentration-losing-game-for-small-producers)
Some information about the Native Breeds of India and their downfall
About 100 years ago, India had 130+ cattle breeds in India. Now
India has only 37 pure cattle breeds. Five of these — Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi,
Tharparkar and Rathi — are known for their milking prowess. A few others, such
as Kankrej, Ongole and Hariana, belong to dual breeds that have both milch and
draught qualities; i.e., they are good plough animals. The rest are pure
draught breeds. Each breed has evolved in perfect harmony with its local
region. Tamil Nadu had six cattle breeds earlier and now we have lost the
Alambadi breed. The remaining breeds are Kangayam, Pulikulam, Umbalachery,
Barugur and Malai Maadu.
A recent investigation by the Tehelka magazine (http://www.tehelka.com/2013/01/the-desi-cow-almost-extinct/?singlepage=1)
arrived at the conclusion that in 10 years, India will be forced to start
importing milk, and that Indian cow will cease to exist. Why? Due to several
India, over the past few decades, imported
several exotic cow varieties to gain a boost in milk production. In Punjab, for
example, 80% of the state's one lakh stray cattle are exotic breeds. These
breeds theoretically produce a lot of milk, but are not well-adapted to Indian
69% of Indian cows are owned by the economically
poor strata of the society. These folks cannot afford to house these exotic
breeds in regulated climate conditions.
The government has significantly mismanaged cow
breeding. The average milk yield per animal in India is just 3.2 kgs, compared
to a global average of 6.6 kgs. The dairy policy and outlook is highly outdated
and needs to be replaced with modern, evidence-based thinking.
According to the National Dairy Development Board, in 1970
India had 178 million cattle, and produced 20 million tonnes of milk. By 2012,
it had 190 million cattle, and produced 132 million tonnes of milk—a six-fold
increase in production with only a small increase in the cattle population. This
confirms much of the productive gain is down to the replacement of indigenous
cattle with exotic and interbred cattle, and the market incentives that drive
that trend remain unchanged. Prior to the ban, the cow-to-bull ratio was 4:1, but
now it has gone lower than 8:1.
Apparently the import
of Jersey Cow started as part of the Third Five year plan in 1960s and is
regulated to allow import them every once in two years. As on 18th
January 2017 Tamilnadu imported 540 Jersey cows from Switzerland (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/tamil-nadu-imports-540-jersey-cows-from-switzerland/articleshow/56643976.cms).
The indigenous breed of cow is easily differentiated by its
hump and throat skin which are absent in exotic breeds. The Indian native breed
such as Gir can reproduce up to 15 times whereas the foreign breeds can only
reproduce up to 3-4 times.
In fact the Rajasthan Government, backed by the Central
Government had announced artificial insemination of Indian native cows to
increase the population of indigenous cows (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/udaipur/10000-desi-cows-to-be-artificially-inseminated/articleshow/54259959.cms).
The decline in native breeds due to various reasons has been
reported in other states as well.
But then, Why artificial insemination and not a natural breeding?
It is again a commercial ball game wherein the dairy
farmers, department and the whole lot believe that this method improves
productivity and profitability of dairy enterprise (http://vikaspedia.in/agriculture/livestock/cattle-buffalo/breeding-management-1/importance-of-artificial-insemination-in-dairy-farming).
There also seems to be a patent awarded
on the method of artificial insemination of cows to some Carlos Alberto BARCELO
ROJAS (http://www.google.co.in/patents/US20110207993)
Over the years, indigenous breeds have been subjected to
indiscriminate breeding with bulls of foreign breeds. As a result, what we see
today in numbers is mostly cross breeds.
The resultant situation is grave. As for the farmers, they undergo hardships
like - heavy expenses incurring in maintenance of exotic breeds, dearth of cow
dung as natural fertilizer, lack of suitable livestock for drought purposes and
intake of A1 beta-casein in exotic cow’s milk are all together making a toll
not just in the house of Indian farmer but on the overall Indian agriculture as
well as the national economy.
There is a real need for improvement in pure breed of Indian
native cattle. Improved breed quality is directly proportional to enhanced milk
production and longevity that means increased number of lactation in total
Row over the Milk quality produced
The immunity of Indian cow breeds is high and they can
resist infections along with other diseases that are common occurrence in
Jersey or Holiestien varieties ( http://www.blog.gomataseva.org/desi-cow-vs-jersey-animal/)
The Indian cow and buffalo breeds possess a rich A2 allele
gene that provides a better and healthier quality of milk than foreign breeds,
according to a new study (http://www.ibtl.in/news/sewa-bharti/1063/indian-cow-breeds-give-healthier-milk-:-research/)
. The pure Indian breed cow produces A2 milk, which contains less
Betacosmophorine-7 (BCM-7), as opposed to the hybrid cows which generally
produce A1 milk.
Studies suggest that milk from cows with A2 genes is far
healthier than their A1 counterparts. Evidence linking A1 milk to ill-health is
building up. These include conditions like type -1 diabetes, cardiovascular
disease (IHD), delayed psychomotor development among children, autism,
schizophrenia, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) auto-immune diseases,
intolerances and allergies (http://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/health/diet-diary-desi-cow-milk-safest-variant/). The usage of hormonal injections in cows for higher yield of milk has made cow milk completely unsafe for infants. Paediatricians worldwide prescribe only breastfeeding and even for babies whose mothers have lactation issues, Cow milk is not adviced. The after effects of the hormonal injections given to cows to instigate higher yield is mind boggling (http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/recombinant-bovine-growth-hormone.html)
There are increasing levels of early puberty in female
children especially in urban areas (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Hyderabad-girls-go-for-shot-to-delay-puberty/articleshow/6772354.cms,
and alarmingly this is a known issue in
US, UK and other countries that genetically altered milk, hormones in food,
pesticides in produce are contributing to this(http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/08/26/why-are-more-girls-starting-puberty-early.aspx).
There is a rising awareness and the demand for A2 milk has
gone up phenomenally in countries like Australia, UK and NZ. But India seems
Our wealth of indigenous cattle breeds have failed to
benefit those who are conserving them – the poor farmers, herders and nomadic
pastoralists who produce 70 per cent of the milk that finds its way to the
market – in the absence of scientific information on the benefits of Indian
native cow milk. Despite the government having a conservation policy to
safeguard native breeds (http://dahd.nic.in/sites/default/files/Conservation_indigenous_breeds_Cattle%20and%20Buffalo.pdf011_0.pdf), with the environmental and social support
systems crucial for the survival of these breeds degrading fast, and the
resultant poverty, more and more indigenous cattle are finding their way to the
slaughter-houses, and once-proud breeders are giving up in despair.
Role of Corporate
Corporate companies charge almost the double of what they
pay to the milk producers (cost paid by Maharashtra dairy department - http://dairy.maharashtra.gov.in/en/content/Purchase_Rate
Vs. cost reported in Pune http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/pune/milk-prices-to-up-by-rs-2-per-litre-from-wednesday/articleshow/56409240.cms)
Reports of FDI into Indian Dairy market also seem true and
alarming in one sense. Though the beef ban in few states of India has made a mark
that does not make India completely un-lucrative. (http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/global-dairy-players-unsure-of-india-entry/articleshow/53145949.cms).
They look for 50-60% ROI per cow!! Holy Cow!! They look for the ROI in terms of
yield – while living or while dying. So they definitely are not inclined to
promote the Indian Native breeds.
The war with PeTA & the Government
Apparently there is a lot of war of words going between PeTA
and their opponents (http://biccindia.org/petas-faq-on-jallikattu-hypocrisy-exposed/).
The Legal war is even worse (http://yugaparivartan.com/2017/01/07/jallikattu-press-conference-details/)
The matter is sub judice. But looking at various reports, it
only seems like the verdict has been the ‘survival of the fittest’. The
justifications from the native side has not been presented ‘appropriately’ and
given adequate ‘consideration’ for reasons best known to the concerned persons
on either side of the case.
Why are the Youth protesting only for Jallikattu and no other issues
Well, over a period of time, the faith on the judiciary for
fair hearing, faith on the local governance has taken a steep fall. The Youth
protesting now are literate and are not fooled by so called ‘animal lovers’. Many
of them come from families of the fallen agriculturists. They had to migrate
and find lucrative jobs as agriculture is no longer viable and lands have
become havens for the realtors. Many of the educated youth want to go back to
cultivation at some point of time in their life. They live in a constant fear
of being ‘too late’. It is now an apolitical Movement about retaining some of
our indigenous aspects beyond the need for being ‘progressive’. The Government
and Judiciary are watching as they have been pretty disciplined in showing
their ‘anger’ and voicing their ‘concern’. They aren’t against regulating, but definitely
against blanket ban and refusal to listen.
Concern of a Parent not just a Tamilian
I am not a farmer or come from an agricultural family. Forget
the fact that I am a Tamilian. River sharing issues affects me. Demonetization
affects me. Terrorism affects me. Inflation affects me. Role of sand mafia
affects me. De-forestation - culling of trees – Drought affects me. One thing
definitely surpasses it all. As a parent, I am seriously concerned that I am now
Guilty - even if the law of the land cannot prosecute me, myself conscience says – I am guilty of feeding something really
dangerous to my own child! And I am
desperate for a change!! I want something absolutely danger free for her to eat
and grow!!!
I am actually getting access only to A1 milk for my child (not just the tetra packed or
packaged milk, but my milk-woman is also supplying milk from a genetically
altered cow that is not of native breed).
Typically children are dependent on Milk products for their protein
needs and that is definitely increasing the health risk for her (http://scienceandnature.org/IJSN_Vol7%281%29J2016/IJSN-VOL7%281%2916-1R.pdf,
So is this just a Tamilian Issue...
After reading all these, I don’t think this is just a
Tamilian issue (though the media projections and some factions protests slogans
also seem to indicate that). Jallikattu ban may seem like a non-issue to
nationalists and others outside Tamil Nadu, but the deeper meaning and impacts
makes me say...It’s for the future of our
children.. And Our Country.
Would have appreciated if the contrarian viewpoint had also been recorded - in true spirit of enquiry as in Upanishads(poorvapaksha).
best agriculture tip and triks