Sri Rama! Kausalya's endearing son! Wake up, dear! You have to do your day-to-day duties do wake up please. O Govinda, wake up! O Garudadhvaja! Wake up. O Kamalakanta (i.e., the husband of Kamala)! All the three worlds are under your rule, they have to prosper, Wake up, my child. May it be an auspicious dawn (morning) to Thee, O Lakshmi, the Mother of the Worlds, the ever dweller on the chest of Vishnu ( i.e., the enemy of the demons, madhu and Kaitabha), of attractive and divine form, the Mistress and of the nature of granting the desired objects of those seeking refuge! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee, O Lakshmi of the eyes like the lotus, of a bright face like the Moon, worshipped by the wives of Brahma, Shankara and Indra and a treasure of compassion. You have an endearing attachment to your devotees. Having worshipped the morning twilight (i.e., having said the morning prayer, namely, the sandhyavandana) the seven sages like Arti, bringing the beautiful lotuses from the ...