Transition - A Hawk to a man.
This is about my friend Sreejith. I call him Lord Byron. A nice friend that God gifted me way back during my school days. A Poet by heart. That's the way I wish to remember him.
To read his poems, I usually have to use either Oxford dictionary or Roger's Thesaurus to translate that into working English and then try to understand it. He as a poet dates back to William Wordsworth period. It takes some time. But then, I spend time usefully at least.
Reading his poems makes me feel as though I am floating back to the ages of our school days. 12 C.
We did have a great period those days. Days filled with fun.
The name of Sreejith will always bring back - Our game of "Find the song from the humming". Sreejith's fight with Deepthi Raghavan because she teased Dhanya (his younger sister) - That incident made me realise the value of having a brother. His first crush - Krithika. Sri Hari Prashanth's first crush and first display of fear, when that girl's brother was about to thrash this guy. Santosh, Vivek, PS, Shyam, Sindhu and Vishnu always having a word war. Vivek's english essay about Lady or the Tiger where he spelled Tiger as "TIGRE" and our teacher Shobha madam handing him an imposition of writing the correct spelling. Rakesh, the Wise guy from 12 E. Rajapandian Master's "Hey YOU". Our Rule Kumar - Selvakumar. Sreejith's first major loss in life (his father) and how he took up the reigns to manage things at home, how he put efforts to ensure his mother gets the job and how we were all so proud about him (though we never let him know about it - verbally).
Even now as we get together in some marriage, its like old times again.
Coming back to Sreejith,
He might write a thousand and one poems. But my all time favourite would be his poem on a rose.
I don't remember those words again. But I remember feeling the emotions he had portrayed through his words.
He was like a wild hawk. Flying high in the air. The elegance with which he conducts himself, that is very typical to sreejith only and no other.
Now, he is getting engaged to his sweetheart - Sowmya. After a lot of background work, he has finally managed to convince the elders at home.
Today, I expressed my wish to hear Sowmya's voice.
I wrote to him "Convey my wishes to Sowmya too. Does she know me? Sometime when you guys are together, do get her over the phone so that I can get to hear her voice (a sweet voice that was successful enough to captivate a poet's heart)."
The typical romeo wrote back, attaching her photo also,
"How did you guess she has a sweet voice? She does. ."
I really felt, "Do I look that stupid?" It does not take a James Bond to detect this basic fact right?
She was indeed very beautiful. No wonder, Lord Byron fell hook-line & sinker.
I commented, "I felt - a hawk fell for a butterfly".
Our Byron wrote,
To read his poems, I usually have to use either Oxford dictionary or Roger's Thesaurus to translate that into working English and then try to understand it. He as a poet dates back to William Wordsworth period. It takes some time. But then, I spend time usefully at least.
Reading his poems makes me feel as though I am floating back to the ages of our school days. 12 C.
We did have a great period those days. Days filled with fun.
The name of Sreejith will always bring back - Our game of "Find the song from the humming". Sreejith's fight with Deepthi Raghavan because she teased Dhanya (his younger sister) - That incident made me realise the value of having a brother. His first crush - Krithika. Sri Hari Prashanth's first crush and first display of fear, when that girl's brother was about to thrash this guy. Santosh, Vivek, PS, Shyam, Sindhu and Vishnu always having a word war. Vivek's english essay about Lady or the Tiger where he spelled Tiger as "TIGRE" and our teacher Shobha madam handing him an imposition of writing the correct spelling. Rakesh, the Wise guy from 12 E. Rajapandian Master's "Hey YOU". Our Rule Kumar - Selvakumar. Sreejith's first major loss in life (his father) and how he took up the reigns to manage things at home, how he put efforts to ensure his mother gets the job and how we were all so proud about him (though we never let him know about it - verbally).
Even now as we get together in some marriage, its like old times again.
Coming back to Sreejith,
He might write a thousand and one poems. But my all time favourite would be his poem on a rose.
I don't remember those words again. But I remember feeling the emotions he had portrayed through his words.
He was like a wild hawk. Flying high in the air. The elegance with which he conducts himself, that is very typical to sreejith only and no other.
Now, he is getting engaged to his sweetheart - Sowmya. After a lot of background work, he has finally managed to convince the elders at home.
Today, I expressed my wish to hear Sowmya's voice.
I wrote to him "Convey my wishes to Sowmya too. Does she know me? Sometime when you guys are together, do get her over the phone so that I can get to hear her voice (a sweet voice that was successful enough to captivate a poet's heart)."
The typical romeo wrote back, attaching her photo also,
"How did you guess she has a sweet voice? She does. ."
I really felt, "Do I look that stupid?" It does not take a James Bond to detect this basic fact right?
She was indeed very beautiful. No wonder, Lord Byron fell hook-line & sinker.
I commented, "I felt - a hawk fell for a butterfly".
Our Byron wrote,
Dark was the life, the world, for this irresolute,ere,
Capricious, nochalant, innocent ,ambivalence on air,
Yet not languid were my dreams, fanatic, obsessive, all ostentatious
Unruly desires, repressive approach deemed my success, just evanescent,
When then came an angel, to whom I impugned with all my venomous oblivion,
And all were replied with love, a truth, then from hawk I became a man.
Capricious, nochalant, innocent ,ambivalence on air,
Yet not languid were my dreams, fanatic, obsessive, all ostentatious
Unruly desires, repressive approach deemed my success, just evanescent,
When then came an angel, to whom I impugned with all my venomous oblivion,
And all were replied with love, a truth, then from hawk I became a man.
I just remembered some saying "Good Lord! When the Mighty fall, and How"