Mozhi - A language of Silence

I saw the movie "Mozhi". It was a nice one. A story about 2 set of friends. The hero is a musician who falls in love with a dumb and deaf girl. His reaction on realizing she was dumb and deaf - Silence has its own serenity to be enjoyed.
There were quiet a number of enjoyable comedy scenes. Nothing vulgar or mushy. The movie was quiet decent.
There has been a stiff competition amongst the characters to excel themselves in showing their acting skills. I don't know how to say. I am not sure if the heroine excelled because it was her eyes which spoke every single dialogue to the audience or the hero because he really seemed to live his character.
The hero, made his impression in my heart. Compassionate. Even to the girl showing off her love, he is kind enough not to hurt her. To the man who has refused to accept the loss of his only son, he is understanding.
At a point when he is depressed, this father-figure comes to him talking about his son's accident as though it just happened. At that moment, the hero realises, its time to make the father accept his loss. He makes the father cry and offers to him "Accept me as your long lost son". Even when he buys that man a pair of slippers, the director makes us see his excellence - the father is shown to be boasting off the slippers that the hero bought for him.

There is this heroine's gaurdian - anti-bachelor. He excels in comedy, in playing a possessive husband and a self styled perfectionist in complying with "rules". Well it was uncalled for when there was a comment if all Chartered accountants were like him. But nevertheless, we have to take every humour on us with a pinch of salt. He too at a point realises the worth of the hero. He says "I am sorry, I misunderstood you. Give her some time. She will understand you too". He accepts the fact that if for the so called "Normal" people, communication is not always fully effective through words alone, it takes some more time for the Special people to get to understand the language of the others and more than anything else to trust even their own understanding.

But there were some scenes which impressed me too much.

When the heroine asks him, what is his expectations of an ideal life partner, he replies "Being educated, brave and having a good heart". When she asks about beauty, he says "When a person has all these, she's gotta be beautiful". When she asks about the life partner's understanding towards music, he replies "if she is able to understand me and sense me in her, music will come automatically to her". He is very much interested in the Heroine and knows fully well, she will never be able to hear his music or reciprocate his feelings about music and her. Yet, he feels it within him that the moment she is able to feel his feelings within her or his music (either of them) there is always a chance for him to claim her love and share his life with her.

At one point when he makes her feel music, her eyes flow in the very rhythm of the music beats, that point, the eyes of the heroine were really expressive. The Hero realises that she has sensed what music is, he knows he will be in a position to make her sense his real feelings for her. And proposes to her. That realization, that emotions by the hero on his face, were too good. He says "You were able to sense the language of the wind. Now you are able to understand the language of the music. You will definetly understand me and my way of communicating. Are you able to sense my love for you." She does. She is able to sense that. But her fear takes over. The director was too good to show how her fear takes over by showing her clenched fists. She has practiced art of self defence. To tackle her fear with force, with anger.

Later, when they decide to part, at one juncture the other two pair, pair up.
Sometimes it is better to let go, your love. It is a torture. Believe me. I know it. Holding on to time immemorial is only going to cause more pain. Not only to you. But to the other too. And also to the entire beauty of the relationship that you both share. But if the love is strong enough, there is always an invisible power to bring it back. Time. The only thing that we don't have. Yet an important ingredient.

This is just what the hero does at one point. He lets her go. He knows, there has to be a space in the togetherness. Else things are too suffocating sometimes.
The heroine realises that facing the hero is too much for her to bear. She refuses to attend even her best friends' wedding because the hero will be there.
She has disclosed to her friend her fear of marriage was not because she does not like the hero, but of the fact that there is always a chance of her child also being dumb and deaf because of the genetic disorder in her and her family history.

The hero on hearing that she is not going to attend the wedding because of her, confronts her. He says "Why do you make me feel like a crook?"
He says "To the very extent that I love my music, I loved your silence too".
He says "You are scared of yourself. You lie to your own heart. You are scared of marriage because you think every man will be like your father and abandon you and your child if the child is born deaf and dumb. I will never abandon my child" (He is confident that if the heroine has a child, that child will be his. He knows nobody else will be there in her life and she couldn't trust anybody else more than him. Only her fears are obstructive).

They say it is difficult to understand a woman. This is a mute woman. Even if a woman expresses her feelings, men need guides like "men are from mars and women from venus" to tell them what she means. Here is a guy who was able to look beyond, learn her language - the language of silence, the language of signs, learn about her feelings, learn about her thoughts, learn of her fears. He is patient, forgiving and non-egoistic. He is ready to wait. He is giving. He gives into her voluntary wishes. He is not sorry to say sorry when he realises his mistake.

He looks into her eyes, which are stunned at his confrontation - she is able to sense his anger, to her surprise - realise what he is trying to tell her. Being the first time in her life, she is too stunned to react. He says "your eyes tell me everything. They tell me about the urge in you to live. Why don't you try? You will not lose." Is he trying to tell her - I will never allow you to lose or I will never lose you.
Just as I said, the hero wants her to let go. Let go of her fears. Only then she will be able to realise that beyond fear, defense and anger and self restriction, there is something more beautiful too. Something called risking. Love is worth risking everything in life. Isn't it?

"Vazhdhu paar, thorka maataai.
Yennai yettru paar, kai vida maatein"

You wish to live.
Experiment with it.
You won't lose.

You know you love me.
Accept it.
You won't regret it.

(Hey these poetic lines were not part of the movie. Those are my lines. They just came by when I was going through those scenes in my mind).

The heroine, when she lets go. All her pain, which she has hidden in her comes out. It comes out as a big scream from within her. Her grandma who is able to hear it - for the first time, smiles. She knows that her granddaughter has finally come into terms with her fears and her insecurity.

Too good. I guess, we all just experiment with life. Many a times, the most difficult part is to let go. Its not easy. Believe me. Letting go is not just for a man or a woman in a love relationship. Its difficult for a mother, a sister, a brother, a father, a son, a daughter, a friend. Its not about being obsessed or being possesive. Its about just letting go. At that moment, you know - you are in hell. Sufferring the punishment of being attached.

Rest all apart, truly gifted is that woman, to whom a man could give this level of assurance - atleast once in her life. "I will never let you lose". A woman has a constant battle with her own feelings and fears. How can a man, who loves her the most, let her lose?

To hell with feminism. Its in a man's heart that a woman is safe.


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