Flying High

On Sunday, I was at the Besant Nagar Beach.
I seem to have a magnetic attraction towards water. I was standing there in water when Bhabhi came and stood beside me. Somehow, I felt like playing with her. Slowly I drifted deeper in to the water. After a big wave came, I gave my best football shot. Almost 90% of the waters which flew against gravity landed on her. She was actually caught unawares. Then she made the world her spitoon.."Pthew.." "pthew.." she went about trying to eliminate the saltiness that few droplets had left in her mouth. She was bent on a revenge for making her taste salt. I ran away. Few men just entered the water and her shyness made her reserve the revenge for another day.

We had groundnuts, sugar candy.
My legs were too wet to be seated in the sand.
I tried my luck in shooting down balloons. Not bad. I did not miss a single one.
Every time bhaiyya and bhabhi were trying their hand, I stood behind them reciting a mantra and everytime they struck the balloon, I'd say.."My prayers were answered."

On the way back I saw kids flying kites. I never remember to have played with kites as a kid. The child in me urged was like throwing a tantrum within me "I want a kite! I want a kite!". So I mustered my courage and asked bhaiyya to get me (conveniently I forgot my purse). Well he did get me a kite, but I wasn't sure how to make it fly. The puzzled look on my face made him laugh.

He asked me "Betu, have you never flown a kite?" I gave him a blank look. Then he started to demonstrate. I was so impatient to get my hands on the "deal". I kept saying "ok ok..let me..let me". Then I got bored. To make it float and sway, I was physically twisting myself and running around. Must have looked comical. Meanwhile bhaiyya and bhabhi were discussing the technical facts about how a kite is made and what all ingredients go into making the "Manjaa" for the "deal". I was like 'Who cares so long as this thing flies?'.
Then I observed some kites were flying higher than mine. I started jumping to make the kite go higher. That made bhaiyya laugh all the more. He told me that the secret behind making the kite go higher was to let more string go free.

Finally, I started getting the hang of that thing. Finally after all the "Vasana" was exhausted, we were packing up when a small flower selling boy came and asked if he could have the kite. I don't know if he will play or later make a profit of the same by selling it off, but I looked at bhaiyya and bhaiyya gave him that kite.

Coming to think about the kite, our life seems to be more or less like that only. To make the kite fly, initially it has to be controlled. After it reaches a decent height, to make it go higher and higher we have to give it more string and use lesser control. Our life is also more or less like where our parents control us, guiding us, pulling the string whereever necessary to give us the directions. After a certain point, we gain more freedom. The more we feel free we reach further heights. When the time comes, our parents again pull the string or rather make us sway to wards another direction towards which the wind blows. The string is not too hastle free either. There are number of knots, twists and turns in there. Somebody has to undo them and then let the strings go. Likewise, our life will also have to face a lot of twists and turns in life. Only after undoing them, we will be more free. Another thing is dealing with others in the air. One is likely to cut or get cut also (does it sound familiar if I say we face such cut throat competitions as we go higher?). Dealing with competition, jealousy are all part and parcel of life - aren't they?

It was a nice thought provoking experience for me.


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