Original Thoughts

I read this about Original thoughts. Seemed to have echoed my own "original thoughts". Anyways, it was nice to read. I added my own views to it and have presented it down here.

Original Thoughts

Have you ever had a thought and believed it to be an 'original'? This is not necessarily true. While it may be a light bulb moment for you it is nothing new. It is merely your understanding of the concept that is new to you.
Far from being depressing to think that there is nothing new under the sun, I find it comforting to know that these questions and concepts have been around for as long as human kind has been aware of Self. The words may change but the basic idea is the original theme.
Every glass of water, every breath you take holds the same energy as someone you admire from history. Perhaps it even is the very same molecules that person inhaled or drank!
Thought patterns work this way too. Thought is simply energy; and we know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it simply 'is'. Some people have labeled this energy as the mass consciousness or group mind.

Each person on earth has thoughts and these thoughts are infused with some form of emotional energy. So, in turn, these thoughts and emotions go into the ethers as a thought and energy infused packet, which we feel or 'tune in' to.
How do we streamline these so called "Original thoughts" to make them more productive.
  • Recognize: It is when we become aware of the fact .
  • Monitor: Monitor your thoughts. Keep your inner eye upon your thoughts.
  • Feel: Feel the emotions that coincide with these thoughts.
  • Acknowledge: Acknowledge that the situation is put before you by your Soul for your growth and understanding.
  • Affirm: When we affirm something we are placing it in a positive light to teach us and further our understanding and growth.
  • Be precise: Rather than being ambiguous we need to be precise in what we exactly want.
What is the point behind the whole exercise?

Let me put it in this way:
Change your Thoughts - Change your Outlook;
Change your Outlook - Change your World.


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