Team outing

At the initiation of few enthusiasts the Base team – Team outing, plan was rolled out. A Team outing coordination team was formed with one representative from each of the teams within the base team. Senior Management people, gave a lot of encouragement and support, right from procuring funds from the company to having regular updates about the progress made by the team in its efforts towards the event. They always made sure that all plans were transparent and were fully communicated to all teammates. The teammates were also perfect sports in being flexible to any of the options floated. Some even came out with innovative ideas to help the organizers.
The planning for the team outing event went on for over a month. The team outing coordinators had to try various permutations and combinations of locations to comply with various constraints being faced by the team. After a lot of deliberations 18th February 2006 was finalized as the day for the team outing. A 10 days core work was involved. The location was finalized as “MAYAJAAL” resort. A week before the event, another Event management team was formed. Another set of enthusiastic youngsters came out with a list of events that they planned over there. Fund requirement for procuring gifts was also raised. Ultimately, the team out momentum finally caught up with everybody. The day before the event, the itinerary and the facilities available in the resort was also floated. Family members of the team – the extended family of Ramco Base Team were special invitees.
Curtain raiser
The day began with a fair turn out of members. However, there was a corner of yearning amongst all attendees that the non-attendees might have made it there. Rest apart, the team decided to make most of the day. A cute kid started the trip with his recital of prayers in the bus and of course with a regular dose of film songs with his own verses yet maintaining the tune as in films. The kid instigated a lot of enthusiasm amongst the “freshers”.
On landing at the venue, we were joined by few others who brought their family members also. Welcomed by a refreshing drink, the Event Management team took over from there. They had all the members to pick a card in lots having some nicknames and divided them into 4 teams – Micky, Donald, Popeye and Scooby. Cute identity cards for the team members with neatly pinned color ribbons (Red, Green, Yellow and Orange) were given. The organizers had the presence of mind to provide pins also. The junior members were also given team ID cards. It was nice to see toddlers playing around, followed by their ever-watchful parents.
Balloons were brought out. Few kids did get scared about balloon bursting. But then it was fun to see children playing with them. The deep hidden child in us came out full-fledged to play with balloons.
The event management team had devised a sandwich game strategy where in elders and children had events alternatively.
The first event was like a musical chair. Four squares were drawn on the floor and named as Hearts, Clover, Diamond and Spades. On the blow of the whistle, all attendees were required to walk within the squares. On the blow of the whistle the second time, members were asked to stay in a square. Then a card would be drawn in lots. The members in the square whose card was drawn were declared “out” of the game. That event finally turned out to be a test of luck between a senior team member and toddlers. Despite that embarrassment, the winner turned out to be the senior member.
Next event was bursting of balloons by kids.
The second event for the elders was the TUG-OF-WAR. Strategy devising, co-ordination amongst team members was absolutely superb. The Green team won that event. The true sport attitude of the others came out when they came to congratulate each of the members of the winning team individually. The whooping of the winning team on winning the event is worth mentioning. All participants were given a Key chain at the end of the event. The nicknames assigned to the participants were called out to distribute these key chains.
The children had to play the running race, where they were asked to pick chocolates from one place and drop them at the other. It was not really a competitive one. Owing to age differences amongst children, all of them were rewarded a “Five- Star” chocolate. There was one Mega-sized child amongst in the organizers who walked away with one Five-star chocolate too. It was really funny to see “Grown-up children” having a mock fight over that chocolate.
Next was Dumb-charred event. Tamil movies, English movies were given to teams to mime. Ultimately the Red team won that event.
The “Blow the Flour” event was another enjoyable event. It had almost all members to have a facial treatment to make them look “Fair” with flour on all their faces.
The kids were more organized amongst themselves to give more encouragement during the team events. They were happily roaming about. For the toddlers, crayons and sheets were provided to bring out the artistic talents within them. They went about having their own form of fun.
Timely refreshments were also provided to all.
The Lunch was really sumptuous. Right from Starters to Desserts the entire course was really delicious and enjoyed by one and all. Children – uncared about the presence of strangers, had their usual routine of fussing over food. But food was one part, which was enjoyed by everyone. Both Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian food was provided. Being a Buffet, people took food of their preference and enjoyed it.
Post Lunch
Post lunch session, few attendees had to excuse themselves owing to some commitments. Hence the “Memento” distribution was conducted immediately. T-shirts bearing the company’s logo was distributed to all members.
The effort for this particular T-shirt procurement is worth mentioning. Right from identifying a supplier, negotiations, order placement (after getting the size details of all members), getting the delivery, identifying the size and properly packing them in individual packets after proper labeling, a lot of hard work and meticulous planning and execution went in. The T-shirt procurement and distribution was an event by itself considering the number of mails that was circulated. All team members were extremely co-operative to any effort made by the organizers. T-shirts were handed over to non-attendees also later.
The organizers were given a token of appreciation for their work.
Then it was “Open –up” for one and all. Team members split up. Most of the Male members were engaged in a game of Cricket. Few went to chill out in the hot sun in the swimming pool. The children had their fun in the pool under the supervision of their parent(s). The indoor stadium was utilized by a few to play indoor cricket, Shuttle-cork. Some played Table Tennis. Some even went to extent of trying their hands in “Weight lifting” in the GYM. The God almighty was merciful and there were no issues in any of these sporting events. Snow bowling was new to many. Some went for refreshments in the mall. It was all about sharing, caring and being cared-less. The artificial waterfall was visited by a few. Children and few elders had their fun getting drenched in the sprinklers fitted in the lawns.
The curtains were drawn for the day, after almost everybody got exhausted. Some were stating that their beds were beckoning them with open arms singing lullaby to them. Children were sleepy towards they end of the day.
It is said that a Vacation is a chance to reset the inner clock for better performance. This team out was indeed different from the routine. There were a few who gave feed back that they enjoyed the day more than the vacation they had with their families.
The kind of team spirit that was exhibited within the team is really amazing. Collecting mementos on behalf of others, ensuring each other’s safety, ensuring that the others also equally enjoy, snapping photographs of those memorable moments are some memories, which would linger always in the minds of people as “EVER GREEN MEMORIES”.
At the initiation of few enthusiasts the Base team – Team outing, plan was rolled out. A Team outing coordination team was formed with one representative from each of the teams within the base team. Senior Management people, gave a lot of encouragement and support, right from procuring funds from the company to having regular updates about the progress made by the team in its efforts towards the event. They always made sure that all plans were transparent and were fully communicated to all teammates. The teammates were also perfect sports in being flexible to any of the options floated. Some even came out with innovative ideas to help the organizers.
The planning for the team outing event went on for over a month. The team outing coordinators had to try various permutations and combinations of locations to comply with various constraints being faced by the team. After a lot of deliberations 18th February 2006 was finalized as the day for the team outing. A 10 days core work was involved. The location was finalized as “MAYAJAAL” resort. A week before the event, another Event management team was formed. Another set of enthusiastic youngsters came out with a list of events that they planned over there. Fund requirement for procuring gifts was also raised. Ultimately, the team out momentum finally caught up with everybody. The day before the event, the itinerary and the facilities available in the resort was also floated. Family members of the team – the extended family of Ramco Base Team were special invitees.
Curtain raiser
The day began with a fair turn out of members. However, there was a corner of yearning amongst all attendees that the non-attendees might have made it there. Rest apart, the team decided to make most of the day. A cute kid started the trip with his recital of prayers in the bus and of course with a regular dose of film songs with his own verses yet maintaining the tune as in films. The kid instigated a lot of enthusiasm amongst the “freshers”.
On landing at the venue, we were joined by few others who brought their family members also. Welcomed by a refreshing drink, the Event Management team took over from there. They had all the members to pick a card in lots having some nicknames and divided them into 4 teams – Micky, Donald, Popeye and Scooby. Cute identity cards for the team members with neatly pinned color ribbons (Red, Green, Yellow and Orange) were given. The organizers had the presence of mind to provide pins also. The junior members were also given team ID cards. It was nice to see toddlers playing around, followed by their ever-watchful parents.
Balloons were brought out. Few kids did get scared about balloon bursting. But then it was fun to see children playing with them. The deep hidden child in us came out full-fledged to play with balloons.
The event management team had devised a sandwich game strategy where in elders and children had events alternatively.
The first event was like a musical chair. Four squares were drawn on the floor and named as Hearts, Clover, Diamond and Spades. On the blow of the whistle, all attendees were required to walk within the squares. On the blow of the whistle the second time, members were asked to stay in a square. Then a card would be drawn in lots. The members in the square whose card was drawn were declared “out” of the game. That event finally turned out to be a test of luck between a senior team member and toddlers. Despite that embarrassment, the winner turned out to be the senior member.
Next event was bursting of balloons by kids.
The second event for the elders was the TUG-OF-WAR. Strategy devising, co-ordination amongst team members was absolutely superb. The Green team won that event. The true sport attitude of the others came out when they came to congratulate each of the members of the winning team individually. The whooping of the winning team on winning the event is worth mentioning. All participants were given a Key chain at the end of the event. The nicknames assigned to the participants were called out to distribute these key chains.
The children had to play the running race, where they were asked to pick chocolates from one place and drop them at the other. It was not really a competitive one. Owing to age differences amongst children, all of them were rewarded a “Five- Star” chocolate. There was one Mega-sized child amongst in the organizers who walked away with one Five-star chocolate too. It was really funny to see “Grown-up children” having a mock fight over that chocolate.
Next was Dumb-charred event. Tamil movies, English movies were given to teams to mime. Ultimately the Red team won that event.
The “Blow the Flour” event was another enjoyable event. It had almost all members to have a facial treatment to make them look “Fair” with flour on all their faces.
The kids were more organized amongst themselves to give more encouragement during the team events. They were happily roaming about. For the toddlers, crayons and sheets were provided to bring out the artistic talents within them. They went about having their own form of fun.
Timely refreshments were also provided to all.
The Lunch was really sumptuous. Right from Starters to Desserts the entire course was really delicious and enjoyed by one and all. Children – uncared about the presence of strangers, had their usual routine of fussing over food. But food was one part, which was enjoyed by everyone. Both Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian food was provided. Being a Buffet, people took food of their preference and enjoyed it.
Post Lunch
Post lunch session, few attendees had to excuse themselves owing to some commitments. Hence the “Memento” distribution was conducted immediately. T-shirts bearing the company’s logo was distributed to all members.
The effort for this particular T-shirt procurement is worth mentioning. Right from identifying a supplier, negotiations, order placement (after getting the size details of all members), getting the delivery, identifying the size and properly packing them in individual packets after proper labeling, a lot of hard work and meticulous planning and execution went in. The T-shirt procurement and distribution was an event by itself considering the number of mails that was circulated. All team members were extremely co-operative to any effort made by the organizers. T-shirts were handed over to non-attendees also later.
The organizers were given a token of appreciation for their work.
Then it was “Open –up” for one and all. Team members split up. Most of the Male members were engaged in a game of Cricket. Few went to chill out in the hot sun in the swimming pool. The children had their fun in the pool under the supervision of their parent(s). The indoor stadium was utilized by a few to play indoor cricket, Shuttle-cork. Some played Table Tennis. Some even went to extent of trying their hands in “Weight lifting” in the GYM. The God almighty was merciful and there were no issues in any of these sporting events. Snow bowling was new to many. Some went for refreshments in the mall. It was all about sharing, caring and being cared-less. The artificial waterfall was visited by a few. Children and few elders had their fun getting drenched in the sprinklers fitted in the lawns.
The curtains were drawn for the day, after almost everybody got exhausted. Some were stating that their beds were beckoning them with open arms singing lullaby to them. Children were sleepy towards they end of the day.
It is said that a Vacation is a chance to reset the inner clock for better performance. This team out was indeed different from the routine. There were a few who gave feed back that they enjoyed the day more than the vacation they had with their families.
The kind of team spirit that was exhibited within the team is really amazing. Collecting mementos on behalf of others, ensuring each other’s safety, ensuring that the others also equally enjoy, snapping photographs of those memorable moments are some memories, which would linger always in the minds of people as “EVER GREEN MEMORIES”.